What are Cambly Priority Hours?
During Priority Hours, Cambly will pay you and direct all trial calls to you. You sign up to teach Priority Hours during these hours in advance. Cambly uses Priority Hours to incentivize more teachers to be available when demand is high. Sometimes, Cambly offers a guaranteed pay incentive for those hours, too.
Once you are on Priority Hour, you cannot just stop and leave. You can take a short break but you need to complete the entire hour.
Low ratings mean fewer priority hours
If your rating is lower, Cambly offers you fewer priority hours to sign up for. So, be sure to read my top tips for Cambly in order to learn how to keep your rating high. Remember, trial students can’t affect your rating. Only students with paid subscriptions rate you.

When I worked for Cambly, I had a 4.92 rating, and these are my priority hour availability.

Note that priority hours are a double-edged sword.
A higher rating lets you pick from more priority hours.
However, I believe that the more priority hours you signup for, the lower your rating will likely be.
Don’t sign up for too many priority hours
Signing up for too many priority hours will drop your Cambly rating. The key to building a high rating is to have consistent students who know and love you and will always rate you highly. A priority hour is like a grab bag.
A brand new stranger might not like your teaching style or rate you harsher than a student who has already developed a relationship with you. Also, priority hour students are total Cambly newbies. They might not even understand the rating system and think they’re rating Camby as a whole, not you as a tutor.

How high should your rating be to get good priority hours?
Some Cambly tutors believe that Cambly expects you to have a rating higher than 4.84. If your rating is lower than 4.84, you will get minimal Priority Hours. If it is higher than 4.84 then Cambly will offer you many Priorty Hours. Note that Cambly has not confirmed this.
Priority hours are a commitment.

If you drop too many Priority Hours, Cambly bans you from Priority Hours. If Cambly has blocked you because you dropped too many hours, then Cambly will display a big red warning box on the Priority Hour page.
Do you get paid for trial students?
Do you still get paid on Cambly if all your students in a day are just free trial students?
Yes, even if you don’t talk to anyone, you get paid for 15 minutes per hour. After that, Cambly pays you per trial minute.
To learn more about ways to keep a high rating during priority hours, check out Cambly’s tips and my own on growing and maintaining a high rating.
What is the busiest time on Cambly?
Cambly has a lot of students from Saudi Arabia and Turkey, so evening times in Saudi Arabia and Turkey are usually busy times on the platform. These are often Peak Hours for Cambly.
What are the peak hours for Cambly Kids?
The busiest times on Cambly Kids are roughly 10 AM EST to 3 PM EST. But, just like Cambly, the kids side of the platform has students from around the world. So, you can teach any time.
Hope that helps, and happy teaching!
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