Does Palfish require a lot of marketing?
Many teachers are scared off from teaching for Palfish because they worry the platform requires a lot of marketing and constant social media posting.
You do not need to market yourself on Palfish. Some teachers don’t do much, and get tons of bookings. Others market themselves a lot to get bookings. With Palfish it depends on a lot of factors, such as your Palfish rating, whether Palfish promotes you to trial students, and some luck.
How do I attract students on Palfish?
Some Palfish teachers have to do a lot of marketing and posting on their feeds and following students to get bookings. Others don’t do much at all.
I do minimal posting. I have a 70% filled schedule most times. I barely ever post lives and rarely post moments or record myself reading books.
How to Market Yourself on Palfish
First, let’s talk a bit about how teachers market themselves on Palfish. Palfish has a student app. On this Palfish Reading App (for students), kids (and adults)can listen to audiobooks that teachers record, and see posts (similar to a Facebook feed) from current Palfish teachers. Sometimes, this might make the student want to book a class with you.
Do you need to market yourself on Palfish?
No. Palfish does not require you to market yourself.
Marketing, such as posting moments and live streaming, is something teachers choose to do because it raises their visibility to the students on Palfish, but the company doesn’t make you do it.
Does Palfish Link to Your Social Media?
No, Palfish does not link to your Social Media.
You can link your Palfish moments (that you post) to your Weibo account if you want, but nothing about Palfish shows up on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or anything like that.
Ways to Market Yourself on Palfish
If you want to, there are many ways on Palfish that you can market yourself. Other ESL companies may assign you classes or promote you to parents but you don’t exactly know how they are promoting you; Palfish is very transparent.
Palfish gives you control if you want to go above and beyond and market yourself.
All About Posting Palfish Moments
What is a Palfish moment? Palfish moments are like posting a Facebook Status Update. But don’t worry, know one will see it besides Palfish students and teachers.
Palfish moments are only visible to Palfish students when they use the Palfish Reading App.
You can post anything on a Palfish moment: pictures of your weekend, worksheets you found online, a fun inspirational quote, and so on. If you want to attract older students, you can gear your Palfish moments to that.
Why post Palfish Moments?
Moments can attract potential students because they see your moment and might look at your profile and book you. If you post lots of moments, you might show up on the top of the feed when students refresh their Palfish Reading App, so you are very visible this way.
How to Post a Palfish Moments:
At the end of class each day, I post my favorite images I used in the classes with a little statement about the lessons. Be careful not to show the student’s face in order to protect their privacy
I find this an easy way to post regularly without it being a major part of my life. I just post at the end of the class day and upload the images I happened to use. It’s a good routine for me.
What is a Palfish Live?
PalFish lets teachers do live streaming. These live streams are ways to create your own lessons. You can chat about anything at all!
Live streaming is an opportunity for Palfish teachers to create their own content and interact with students directly.
How do students interact with you during Palfish lives? Students chat via messenger and you can see what they are writing. You can respond in real-time.
Can students ask questions in during Palfish lives? Yes! Students can ask questions via a chat box. You can answer or ignore.
Can students talk to you during Palfish lives? No. Students can only write. You will see what they are writing in the shared chat box and so will other students.
Can teachers walk around during the live? Yes! Feel free to give a fun tour of your home or neighborhood. Sure, why not!
Are Palfish lives prerecorded? No! You are live. This is why it called live streaming. You show up, and the students show up, and you talk to them via video. During lives, Palfish teachers interact with the students via chat.
Bottom Line: Some Palfish teachers do a lot of marketing and others don’t. You don’t need to market yourself on Palfish to be successful. I barely market myself and I’m still fully booked. However, marketing certainly helps bookings if you are running low. Palfish gives you many ways to market yourself, including Palfish Lives (live-streaming) and posting Palfsh Moments.
In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn
– Phil Collins.