Teach English Online to Brazilian Students

Teach Brazilian Students: Top Companies

Here are the top companies you can work for to teach English online to Brazilian students. If you are interested in helping Brazilian students learn English, there are quite a few options. Cambly and Latin Hire are the best, in my opinion.

Why do Brazilian students want to study English?

English is still not a popular language in comparison to Spanish, German, and Italian. According to the British Council, In 2019 only 5% of Brazil’s population spoke English.


#1 Cambly

If you want to teach English to Brazilian students then Cambly is a good company for you. Cambly caters to students all around the world, but there is a large audience of Brazilian students. If you open your schedule during peak hours in Brazilian, you will receive many Brazilian students. You can go further and cater your profile primarily to Brazilian students, too, to build and Brazilian student base.

Brazilian student
The largest ESL markets by far for teachers to teach English in Brazil are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro

The best part about Cambly is how easy it is. It is easy to get hired and also easy to be a Cambly teacher. To apply to Cambly, you apply online and upload a video of yourself with an introduction. That’s it!

Cambly Teacher Requirements

  • no degree or teaching certificate necessary
  • must be a native English speaker
  • laptop or desktop or Chromebook
  • no minimum hours, no commitment.

Cambly Teacher Pay

  • earn $10.20 USD/hour
  • Cambly pays the same regardless of your residency- so great for expats in cheap countries
Brazilan students
There s a large but competitive ESL market in Brazil; n addition to online schools, there are positions in public and private schools, too.

#2 Latin Hire

Latin Hire is a great company for teachers who want to teach online for students in Latin America. If you speak Spanish or Portuguese, this company is a great fit for you. The company will even hire non-native teachers with neutral accidents.

Latin Hire Teacher Requirements

  • non-natives accepted

Latin Hire Teacher Pay

  • $8-10 an hour.

Freelance ESL Platforms that cater to Brazilian Students

Many platforms allow English tutors to specify what students they want. Try some freelance ESL platforms if you want to teach Indian students.

Here are some common platforms that let you teach English online your own way while teaching students from Brazil.

Build your own Platform

You can also build your own booking platform and target a student base n Brazil.

Also, if you want to be a totally independent freelance online English teacher, you need to build your own booking platform. Read “Build Your Own Tutor Service Booking Website”, an e-book from Foreign Development English, that can guide you. Then join the Facebook group: Online Teachers – Independent, Fulfilled & HIGHLY Paid! for more support and networking.


Join our forum to connect with other teachers who have experience teaching students in South America.

I also made an extremely comprehensive comparison chart that you can look at, too. You can sort through the columns to filter by companies that only focus on Brazilan students and find the company that is the best fit for you.

Learn More
Ingrid Maria Pimsner, MA, BA, TEFL
Ingrid Maria Pimsner, MA, BA, TEFL

Ingrid Maria Pimsner has been teaching for over a decade in various universities, nonprofits, and private academies. She has taught English as a Second Language for Lutheran Children & Family Service, Nationalities Service Center, Lernstudio Barbarossa Berlin-Tegel, and more. In addition to her Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certification, she holds a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and a MA from Maryland Institute College of Art.