Teach English Online by Pay in 2023!
The chart below shows the online ESL companies with the highest pay in 2023.
Global LT English, Skooli, and BlingABC currently pay online English teachers the most. (*Update as of September is that BlingABC would like you to reside in China, though!)
Go down the list, updated for 2023, to find out what online English company pays the most. Click on the Base Pay or Top Pay header to sort companies by pay.
ESL Pay in 2023: Some Facts
- Prices have dropped to about $10 an hour on average since the Chinese regulations clamped down on many companies.
- Generally, teaching kids pays more than teaching adults.
- You get paid per class (usually 25 minutes)

More Info about ESL Pay
Realistically, you can expect to make anything from $2 to $5 teaching English online as a non-native speaker. As a native speaker with some qualifications, you will make $10 to $25 an hour teaching through a company.

However, ESL companies change their base pay and incentive pay to reflect the supply and demand of teachers and students. If you see your current company and your current pay is not reflected here, please email to let me know!
Incentive Pay
Online English companies also give you incentive bonuses. You earn the incentive bonus by teaching during PEAK hours, finishing grading on time, teaching a minimum amount of classes each week, and so on. Incentive pay is exactly what it sounds like. The company uses it to incentivize you to teach when and how the students prefer.
How to compare ESL companies
I know it looks overwhelming, but don’t panic. First, take a look at the categories. Decide which one matters the most to you. Then, click on the header to sort that table.
You can compare ESL companies using many metrics, depending on which matters most to you.
Degree Requirements
Some E.S.L. companies, like Cambly, do not require a degree. These companies will hire you to teach English online without experience besides knowing English!
Conversely, some companies require decades of experience, professional training, and higher education. It just depends on what platform or company you apply to.
Some ESL jobs require you to have a degree, and other ESL companies do not require a degree.
Teach English Online Pay Range

Teaching online is often seen as a side gig. But, you can also earn a full-time livable wage teaching English online. It was easier a few years ago before the Chinese regulations shut down much of the industry, but there are still some companies that pay over $20 an hour.
Native Speaker Requirement
If you are a non-native English speaker who wants to teach English online, search this category to find employers who want to hire you. Are you unsure of whether you would be considered a native speaker by companies? It isn’t as clear as you would assume- and even problematic. Ensure you know what metrics companies use to qualify an applicant as a native speaker or not.
When you interview for a job at an online English teaching company, you will be offered a “base pay.” This might be lower than the rate they advertised, so be wary of that.
The reality is that companies often advertise their top pay. This includes the company’s bonuses for high ratings, low absences, teaching at peak times, having a good ‘finish type’, and so on.
You are also paid per class rather than hourly. Sometimes, the classes are 25 minutes. Sometimes, they are 40 minutes. Often, you teach two classes per hour.
Online English Companies are constantly changing their pay and requirements depending on the ebbs and flows of the industry, so be sure to add a comment below if you see any incorrect information.
Degree requirements
Many E.S.L. companies do not require a degree. Many companies will hire you to teach English online without experience besides knowing English!
Conversely, some companies require decades of experience, professional training, and higher education. It just depends on what platform or company you apply to.
Some ESL jobs require you to have a degree, and other ESL companies do not require a degree.
Chat with current teachers
Join social media group communities centered around teaching English Online and read live comments from current teachers.
https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlineESLTeaching/ is a place to discuss the companies, practices, and experiences of teaching students English as a Second Language online. It has 7.5k members.
If this interests you, I wrote these related posts, too.
ESL Companies with the Highest Pay: Your Own?
Consider working for yourself and setting up your own booking platform.
Make your Booking Site
If this interests you, you might be interested in reading the “Build Your Own Tutor Service Booking Website” e-book from Foreign Development English.
This e-book teaches you to set up your platform for lesson scheduling and payments. It is a very easy-to-follow tutorial.
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