How much do I earn if a Cambly student is a no show? $1.70
If you have a Cambly reservation and the student does not come, then you will be paid $1.70. Unfortunately, this is true for a reservation of thirty minutes or an hour.
How long do you have to wait for Cambly student no-show?
If your student is a no show, then Cambly will pay you $1.70, which is the equivalent of a 10-minute class.
If my Cambly student does not come to class, do I need to wait for the entire reservation?
Yes, but you can talk to other students while you wait. Make yourself visible to “everyone” and pick up other calls. Remember to follow my tips while speaking to new students so these calls do not drop down your rating.

If a student doesn’t show up for a reservation, you should chat with other students during this wait time. You can be paid double for those ten minutes if you do.

How to check your Cambly pay?
To see how much money you earned on Cambly for a no show,
- Go to Account Settings/ Account
- Skip over ”Payments” (This is where you see your weekly payments and your current balance and total payments.)
- Go to “Show Miscellaneous Credits”

It will show the reason as “Reservation No Show” and tell you how much you earned.
Remember that on Cambly, payments are made weekly on Monday by end of day PST on all balances over $20. You will be paid for all work done up to 10AM PST (11AM PDT during Daylight Savings) on the date of payment.
Amounts from previously failed payments will be automatically restored to your balance.
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