Here is a list of fun things to do with a toddler while teaching them English.
After a few years of childcare, I realized that a schedule is what makes all the difference in childcare. If you are stuck in a room with a young kid and thnk, “Oh no, I must entertain them,” then you will be overwhelmed pretty quickly. But, if you have a list of activities for every 20 minutes of that time…you just follow the list and do the steps. It’s easy peasy!
I actually originally made this list for our babysitters. I thought of all the fun things you can do with my toddler, and then wrote them all down as a guideline.
How to Use This List
Leave this list for the babysitter or tack it up to the wall for a reminder to yourself on those rainy days. If your child’s a little older, you can even ask them what activity they would like to do.

Remember, kids love routine. So, try to write some of the activities that you love best in a list and you can go through the list ton each rainy day, checking them off as you go. A routine will save the child and also the child minder! It will keep you sane.

Make a Blanket Fort
Grab some blankets or sheets and hang them across chairs. Use the stuffed animals to buttress the walls or for ammunition if you dare! Throw them back and forth or arrange them sweetly to host a tea party inside your new beautiful home.
Make DIY play dough
You just need some flour, oil, and salt. ideally, you can add some food dye to make it colorful. The little kiddos like the play do just as its is, though. it’s like making cookies but a little messier and a lot easier!

Toddler yoga
My favorite channel is “Cosmic Kids Yoga”, which reimagines all the kids classics as a series of fun yoga poses. It is high energy for the littles. Some of them can really wear a big person out!
Toddler skip counting and dancing
Skip counting with Jack Hartmann is my absolute personal favorite way to teach math to the littles. This is lots of fun for a toddler with lots of energy, too.
Sing the Classics:
song that never ends, Od McDonald, head shoulders knees and toes
Noodle Necklaces
Make a noodle necklace or a pasta bracelet. For advanced kids, you can even paint them!
Dish detergent bubble bath fun
Throw the toys in and play hide and seek! Cover everything in bubble. Use kitchen detergent.

Play hide and seek (with a toy!)
This is a fun game if you plan ahead and bring a secret toy. It can be something very simple: like a piece of candy. Ask the child to close their eyes and then hide the surprise. you can play “hot or cold” with the older kids.
Play Hairsalon
Do each other’s hair! For the little kids, just a brush and some elastic bands is lots of fun. Play hair salon! You can teach older kids do make braids.
Play Indoor Golf
You can use any ball you want. Find a ball, use a broom, and play some indoor golf!
Blow Bubbles with Dish Detergent
Balloon Volleyball
So fun! Blow up a balloon and toss it back and forth. For older kids, you can play “the floor is lava” and see how long you can keep the ball up for.
DIY Twister
You can put some paper down on the floor, normal 8.5 by 11 sheets are fine. Draw a number on each. Use a die and roll a die instead f using a spinner. Let the twister fun begin!
DIY Hopscotch
Similarly, you can make a DIY hopscotch course this way.
Add Your Own Fun Things To Do With a Toddler
Those are my ideas for fun things to do with a toddler. Of course, if you can go outside, do that. Sometimes, you just can’t do that, though. Maybe your kid is sick or maybe it’s raining. Don’t fret: there are so many fun activities you can do inside your home that I couldn’t possible write about them all. Feel free to add your own below!
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